Discrepancy theory of job satisfaction pdf

He suggested that the primary reaction the immediate emotional response combined with the secondary reaction the later emotional response creates a stabilized equilibrium which results in job satisfaction. Otherwise, lack of satisfaction as well as dissatisfaction should be expected. A miniature difference sets out job satisfaction as being high and a huge difference would mean the employee is less satisfied with the job. The satisfaction turnover relationship also is affected by alternative job prospects. Additionally, the findings a personality trait, core selfevaluations, may moderate the impact of job discrepancy on. What are the different theories of job satisfaction. According to the contrast theory, any discrepancy of experience from expectations will be exaggerated in the.

Selfdiscrepancy theory over the years many different facets of the self or selfimages have been identified. The following mentioned are the points that explain the effects and causes of job satisfaction when it is low. The main premise of this theory is that satisfaction is determined by a discrepancy between what one wants in a job and what one has in. Self discrepancy theory proposes that people represent a negative life event as saying something about their current state, their actual self now. Further, the theory states that how much one values a given facet of work e. Western michigan university, 2002 given the magnitude of importance in the role of the school principal, it is important to understand some of. It has been accepted for inclusion in scripps senior theses by an authorized administrator of scholarship. Some of the most important theories of job satisfaction and their impacts on workers are as follows. Using leadermember exchange theory to examine principal.

Ekinci et al 2004 cites olivers updated definition on the disconfirmation theory, which states satisfaction is the guests fulfilment response. The findings support the existence of job discrepancy and its impact on stress and tension in the workplace. Discrepancy theory job satisfaction stems from the discrepancy between the job outcomes wanted and the outcomes that are perceived to be obtained. Theories of job satisfaction explained with example iedunote. Thomas wright 2009 has found that when employees have high levels of psychological wellbeing and job satisfaction, they perform better and are less likely to leave their jobs. Discrepancy theory provides broad coverage in explaining satisfaction. This led to the development of the discrepancy theory of job satisfaction. Self discrepancy theory over the years many different facets of the self or selfimages have been identified.

The discrepancy theory is concerned on what the workers are expecting and. Another name of discrepancy theory is affect theory which is developed by edwin a. Theories of job satisfaction explained with example. Lockes 1969 opinion stated as discrepancy theory, suggests that job satisfaction grows out of the feeling that what things the individual think as important for himself, not meeting the need of the individual. Research survey from the institute for science and technology policy stepi in korea. Results of discrepancy analyses were somewhat supportive of overrating being associated with greater well. Oct 05, 2015 the satisfaction turnover relationship also is affected by alternative job prospects. Though built in large part on vrooms expectancy model. Their job satisfaction will be further enhanced if they are doing work that is utilizing their skills. Western michigan university, 2002 given the magnitude of importance in the role of the school principal, it is important to understand some of the job satisfaction factors related to the retention of.

Another theory is the job characteristics model, probably one of the most jobfocused theories of job satisfaction used. The relationship between managers leadership styles and. Pdf discrepancy theory models of satisfaction in is research. Another important factorvariable that should be included to predict job satisfaction accurately is the strength of the individuals desire of his level of aspiration in a particular area. Locke s range of affect theory 1976 is arguably the most famous job satisfaction model. The main premise of this theory is that satisfaction is determined by a discrepancy between what one wants in a job and what one has in a job. Discrepancy theory models of satisfaction in is research. It enriches the literature on workrelated identity discrepancy on one hand and chinese culture on the other.

Fulfilment theory was the first approach to develop. This discrepancy can lead to anxiety or depression when considering ones work higgins, 1987. Discrepancy theory suggests that dissatisfaction will occur when a. This model lists five features of a job that can affect a person, three of which skill variety, task identity, task significance can affect an employees perception of how meaningful the work is. First, we describe the use of discrepancy theory in other disciplines relevant to is research. Lawlers discrepancy theory suggests that a persons job satisfaction or.

Concept that when people become aware of a deficiency in their competence they are motivated to learn, and the anxiety caused by the discrepancy between what they know and what they need to know drives them to make the required effort change of behavior. The study analyzed 2273 sample data used in the survey, based on the 20 ph d. The relationship between work environment and job satisfaction in hotel industry iii declaration we hereby declare that. Job satisfaction therefore is a measurement of job and work expectations and not just an overall holistic attitudinal manifestation. Different theories have been improved about job satisfaction. Essentially, satisfaction is said to be derived from a comparative process that considers a prior formed impression about an. Job satisfaction of university graduates 31 graphic 1. The two theories were originated from job satisfaction research, the fulfillment theory assumed the magnitude of the outcomes received under particular circumstance determine satisfaction and neglected any psychological. Abraham maslows hierarchy of needs on the needs fulfillment theory has already been discussed in the section of motivation. While the theory of assimilation asserts that the consumers will try to minimize the expectationperformance discrepancy, the theory of contrast insists on a surprise effect that can lead to exaggerating the discrepancy. The steadystate theory each worker has a typical orcharacteristic level of job satisfaction,called the steady state or equilibriumlevel. Determinants of job satisfaction among teachers in vietnam. Theories of job satisfaction and their impacts on workers.

Discrepancy discrepancy theory job satisfaction is a function of the from jre 420 at university of toronto. The last theory used to explain job satisfaction was proposed by landy. This actual self is compared with their selfguides, the kind of person they want or desire to be e. Lyman porter and edward lawler came up with a comprehensive theory of motivation, combining the various aspects that we have so far been discussing and using two additional variables in their model. Discrepancy discrepancy theory job satisfaction is a. Job satisfaction as the criterion variable and ewcs inc subscale discrepancy scores and pli as predictor. Selfdiscrepancy theory argues that people have low job satisfaction when there is a gap between the expectations placed on them at work and how they actually perform. Job satisfaction as the criterion variable and eucs inc subscale discrepancy scores and pli as predictor. Locke in 1976 and is considered the most famous job satisfaction model. With this newly developed theory, we expect that a both reported pay and pay discrepancy have main effects on pay level satisfaction. However, the two most common definitions describe job satisfaction as. After that, we discuss satisfaction used in is research starting with user satisfaction followed by employee job satisfaction. A persons importance rating of a variable is referred to as how much of something is wanted. Selfdiscrepancy theory in social psychology iresearchnet.

A path analysis model explained 15% of the variance in how school counselors roles are defined at the building level, 49%. A study of michigan high school principals david a. Models of job satisfaction affect theory organizational. Several other main theories on job satisfaction attracting the attention of researchers include discrepancy theory of locke 1969, equity theory of adams 1965, and expectancy theory of vroom 1964. Discrepancy theory focuses on a combination of personality.

Lockes range of affect theory 1976 is arguably the most famous job satisfaction model. Job satisfaction is a workers sense of achievement and sucess on the job. Moreover, findings about satisfaction level of employees and recommendations for the institution are presented in the report. Determinants of job dissatisfaction among employees in formal. The results of the present study are in line with the findings by long 2004 who found that nurses who worked under the supervision of managers with a laissezfaire leadership style had the lowest level of job satisfaction, whereas those working with transformational leaders felt the highest level of job satisfaction. Discrepancy theory describes job satisfaction in three aspects.

Job satisfaction is closely linked to that individuals behaviour in the work place davis et al. Job satisfaction ppt job satisfaction industrial and. The implication of herzberg is theory is that in a formal organization such as unicem, employees i satisfaction or dissatisfaction will depend on the availability of the conditions and incentives outlined above. In the end, the research results showed that, the job satisfaction, job involvement, and organizational climate of teachers in rural areas are higher than those of those in urban areas. On a combined theory of pay level satisfaction yao.

The theory suggests that satisfaction is determined by a discrepancy between what one wants in a job and what an employee is getting from the job. Shengxian yu change liu hui yang xiao yuan jianxin ren. The proportion of variance in overall job satisfaction explained by the expectation discrepancy score after controlling for tenure, department size, program size, and department size x program. Job dissatisfaction and antagonistic relationship with co workers predict a variety of behaviors organizations fine undesirable including unionization attempts, substance abuse, stealing at work, undue socializing and. The most widely accepted theory of job satisfaction was proposed by locke 1976, who defined job satisfaction as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job or job experiences locke, 1975, p. The impact of workrelated identity discrepancy of circle. So we speculate that workrelated identity discrepancy negatively affects employee job satisfaction, and job satisfaction will negatively affect employee turnover intention. A discrepancy theory of the relationship between communication. The concept of job satisfaction is multifaceted hence a number of theories are advanced to explain what it means and how the theories could be applied to enhance employee performance.

Based on affective event theory, this study will examine the relationship between workrelated identity discrepancy and job engagement, and the extent to which negative emotions mediates this relationship. A study on comparing the relationship among organizational. Job satisfaction in law enforcement officers according to. In terms of the formulation of patient satisfaction, pascoe described the discrepancy theory and fulfillment theory.

Job satisfaction, analytic hierarchy process, job satisfaction survey. Four approaches can be identified in the theoretical work on satisfaction. Determinants of job dissatisfaction among employees in. In addition, many work satisfaction theories have tried to explain job satisfaction.

Discrepancy between role expectations and job descriptions. Discrepancy theor y described the study of inevitable irregularities of distributions, in measuretheoretic and combinatorial settings. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of job mismatch on pay, job satisfaction, and performance of doctoral level researchers, based on the jobenvironment fit theory. The concept of job satisfaction is multifaceted hence a number of theories are advanced to explain what it means and how the theories could be applied to. Need fulfillment theory, equity theory, two factor theory and discrepancy theory are four essential models rao, 2005 which would help this research paper to be qualitative.

Job satisfaction is a very important attribute which is frequently measured by organizations. Many theorists have tried to come up with an explanation for why people feel the way they do in regards to their job. Job satisfaction in law enforcement is important because it promotes continuity of a professional and cohesive police force that works well together, follows proper policy and procedures, and provides the services needed to the public. This study will explain the existence of this discrepancy, measure its impacts, and test personal characteristics that may moderate any negative outcomes. Job satisfaction ppt free download as powerpoint presentation. He also found that job satisfaction is an indicator of employees motivation to come to work and it changes with age and employment cycle.

It is generally perceived to be directly linked to productitivty as well as to personal wellbeing. Different situational factors or eventsat work may move a workertemporarily from this steady state, butthe worker will eventually return tohis or her equilibrium level. A discrepancy theory of the relationship between communication and job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is indeed very important and you should not let your own likes and dislikes take a back seat when you are narrowing down on the kind of job you have.

The impact of expectations on faculty job satisfaction. Thomas wright 2009 has found that when employees have high levels of psychological wellbeing and job satisfaction, they perform better and. Locke developed the idea known as discrepancy theory. In other words, the discrepancy between present aspects of the job and the aspect desired by the employee generates job dissatisfaction. The effects of job mismatch on pay, job satisfaction, and. Jun 12, 20 the steadystate theory each worker has a typical orcharacteristic level of job satisfaction,called the steady state or equilibriumlevel. This study found moderate differences in correlations between communication and job satisfaction using a discrepancy framework when high. His theory is known as the opponent process theory. I, hamed alsemeri, declare that the dba thesis entitled the factors affecting job satisfaction. In this chapter, we present the versatility of discrepancy theory in the explanation and prediction of satisfaction in is research models and show how to avoid many of the analytical pitfalls.

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